Summer Reading
Please view the high school summer reading instructions in the PDF below: Honors students, please read the note below in AP Summer Work about submitting assignments by August 5th.
HS Summer Reading 2024.pdf246.5KB
Summer AP Work
The assigned summer work for all Honors/Advanced Placement classes is due by August 5, 2024. You can upload your work to AXIS. Here are some tutorials if you need additional help on how to upload assignments.
If work is not turned in and there is not proactive administrative approval, a student will be dropped from the Honors/Advanced Placement course and moved to a corresponding college prep course. If you have questions about how to upload, email John Park ( or Tyler Erickson ( with your questions.
AP Biology
AP Bio_Summer Assignment_2024.docx869.2KB
AP Calculus AB
AP Calc A B_Summer Work Packet_2024.pdf1437.4KB
AP Calculus BC
AP Calc B C_Summer Work_2024.pdf1210.5KB
AP Chemistry
AP Chem_Summer Welcome Letter_2024.docx26.5KB
AP Chem_Mass Spectroscopy POGIL_2024.pdf638.1KB
AP European History
AP Euro_Summer Guide_2024.pdf117.6KB
AP Euro_ 1. Mysteries of the Middle Ages Reading Guide.pdf82.1KB
AP Euro_ 2. Map of Europe Assignment.pdf847.2KB
AP Euro_ 3. History Channel Documentary - The Dark Ages.pdf357.3KB
AP Environmental Science
AP Enviromental Science_Summer Homework_2024.pdf1275.5KB
AP Government and Politics
AP Government and Politics_202432.5KB
AP Human Geography
AP Human Geo_Summer Work Assignment_2024.docx291.5KB
AP Literature
AP Literature_Summer Work_2024.docx15.6KB
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 1_Summer Assignment_2024.pdf4239.5KB
AP Physics 2
AP Physics 2_Summer Assignment_2024.pdf411.7KB
AP Spanish
AP Spanish_Summer Requirements_2024.docx23.8KB
AP US History
AP US History_Summer Work Guide_2024.docx44.4KB
AP World History
AP World History_Summer Assignment List_2024.docx853.2KB
Important Dates
UniformsSummer Reading and Summer AP Work
School Supplies and Books
Magnus Health and AXIS
Carpool, Attendance, and School-Pass
Class Schedule (Late Start Days)
Student LaptopsNEW Cell Phone, Smartwatch, Earbud PolicyAthleticsLearning Center
OneCard (School Lunches)
Contact InfoWelcome Week and Orientation (All Incoming Freshmen and New Transfer Students)
First Day of School
HS ChecklistPrepare for School Checklist