Class and Rotation Schedule
Look through the schedule to see when classes meet, and also check late-start days throughout the school year. * Note: Freshman Bridge will be on late-start days @ 8:30 AM first semester.
Please view the class schedule in the file below.
2024-2025 HS Daily Class Meeting Times.pdf247.2KB
2024-2025 HS Rotation Schedule.pdf166.1KB
Important Dates
UniformsSummer Reading and Summer AP Work
School Supplies and Books
Magnus Health and AXIS
Carpool, Attendance, and School-Pass
Class Schedule (Late Start Days)
Student LaptopsNEW Cell Phone, Smartwatch, Earbud PolicyAthleticsLearning Center
OneCard (School Lunches)
Contact InfoWelcome Week and Orientation (All Incoming Freshmen and New Transfer Students)
First Day of School
HS ChecklistPrepare for School Checklist