AXIS is our platform for you to receive updates, see gradebooks, and more.
Magnus Health Portal
In order to upload health records to Magnus:
1) Go to AXIS and sign in
2) Go to “Resources”
3) Click the “Magnus” icon to upload all immunizations, physical, and any other health forms.
Managing your Notification Settings
Please watch the video below or use the written instructions to set up your AXIS notifications.
- Select your name in the upper right-hand corner and use the drop-down arrow to open the Settings tab.
- Under Accounts Settings, open Notifications.
In the Notification settings, select E-mail or Text to receive notifications for each type.
- *Note to receive TEXT notifications, you will need to add your mobile number.
- Select the + under the Text Number settings.
- The Edit Options under Announcements Posted will allow you to select announcement notifications for any groups you or your student are associated with.
- Academics (classes)
- Athletics
- Activity
- Community - student/ parent life groups
- Advisory
- Dorm
Important Dates
UniformsSummer Reading and Summer AP Work
School Supplies and Books
Magnus Health and AXIS
Carpool, Attendance, and School-Pass
Class Schedule (Late Start Days)
Student LaptopsNEW Cell Phone, Smartwatch, Earbud PolicyAthleticsLearning Center
OneCard (School Lunches)
Contact InfoWelcome Week and Orientation (All Incoming Freshmen and New Transfer Students)
First Day of School
HS ChecklistPrepare for School Checklist