Student Laptops
Student Laptops

Student Laptops

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Student Laptops

Requirements and common questions about what device your students need for school.

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💻 Summary of Device Requirements

REMEMBER: The following systems are NOT permitted at Oaks:
  • Chromebooks
  • iOS (iPads)
  • Android devices

Students will not be able to connect to the school internet with these devices.

Recommended accessories and software

  • headphones
  • protective case/cover
  • pen/stylus (if applicable)
  • anti-virus software

Additional Notes

  • As an important security measure, student computers must always have the latest operating system (Windows or Mac OS) and security updates installed. It is recommended that students check for/apply operating system and security updates weekly.
  • Student computers must not have Mobile Device Management (MDM) software installed as it will conflict with the MDM software used by Oaks Christian School. The MDM used by Oaks Christian School ensures your student’s computer can connect to the dedicated student wireless network.
  • Microsoft Windows 10 S (and Microsoft Windows 11 S) are not supported. Please ensure your student’s computer is not configured with Windows 10 S mode (or Windows 11 S mode).

Accessing School Network (Wi-Fi) Connection

OCS is rolling out a new Wi-Fi authentication. More information will be sent out soon.

Introduction from the Principal

Dear 4th-8th Parents,

Please use this document as a reference for the technology requirements for your student in the 2023-24 school year. Technology is a powerful tool. We want to guide our students and help them utilize technology in a way that will help them firmly establish future skills they will need to communicate, collaborate, critically think, and create. Take a look at the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) standards for student skills needed for success in the modern world. Oaks Christian Middle School’s aim next year, and in future years, is to infuse these skills to become a regular part of every classroom experience.

Integrating technology into classroom instruction means far more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective technology integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that research shows deepen and enhance the learning process. It must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to a greater world of learning. Effective technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and transparent and when technology supports curricular goals. All Oaks Christian Middle School students grades 6-8 will be required to bring their own device to school each day. All 4th Grade students will be provided with a school iPad that will stay on campus each day. All Academy V students will be provided with a school PC laptop that will stay on campus each day.

Learning through projects, while equipped with technology tools, allows students to be intellectually challenged while providing them with a realistic snapshot of modern, real-life situations. Most importantly, technology also changes the way teachers teach, offering educators effective ways to reach different types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple means. It also enhances the relationship between teacher and student. When technology is effectively integrated into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and engaging!

Take a look at Edutopia’s Technology Integration page for more information regarding classroom technology:  We are excited about how the implementation of technology on campus for the 2023-24 school year will begin to change your child’s education in meaningful and impactful ways.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Tara Morrow

Grades 4-8 Principal

🥦 Healthy Digital Citizenship

Edudemic, a world leader in developing frameworks of thought around educational technology stresses the importance of healthy digital citizenship. Please take the time to sit down together as a family and talk about the benefits and risks of using technology at home. Here are 7 guidelines for digital citizenship that are important to consider when giving a student the responsibility of using an educational device:

  1. ‼️ Remind students that it’s very hard to erase information from the internet; so, they should be extra careful about what information and opinions they make public.
  2. 🗨️ Discuss proper etiquette online. Only say what you would say to someone in person.
  3. 🕵️ Teach students about online “stranger danger” since it’s very easy for online users to pretend to be who they are not.
  4. ©️ Make sure students understand the difference between sharing and stealing online content. While it may feel like anything on the internet is up for grabs, copyright and intellectual property laws protect almost all online content.
  5. 📳 Use online forums or social media networks to facilitate student discussions so students have a safe space to practice good digital citizenship.
  6. 👹 Ensure your students know how to identify a “troll” — an online user whose goal is to provoke others or derail conversations — so they can avoid engaging with them.
  7. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Encourage students to step away from phone and computer screens during family dinners and when hanging out with friends; offline relationships are even more important than online ones!

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

What laptop should I buy?

If you would like more information on which laptop to purchase, there are numerous websites that have buying guides at different price points. Two of the most popular are and You may want to do a Google search for various buying guides. Another option is to visit a store that sells laptops, and ask them to show you options that meet the required specs.

Note: Microsoft and Apple have online educational stores (with discounts for parents and students). Apple stores also offer educational discounts for in-store purchases.

Do 4th Grade and Academy V need a device?

No. The school provides devices for 4th Grade (iPads) and Academy V (PC Laptops) for school use only. Purchasing a student device for school is not required for these grades.

These iPads and laptops will stay on campus. Students will learn the basics of technology and will be instructed to save all work and documents on the cloud.

I am buying a new laptop for my child. Does the laptop have to meet these specifications?

Yes. These specs ensure that your child’s laptop has enough processing power to allow him/her to complete required classroom tasks/assignments.

I recently purchased a new laptop for my child, but it does not meet the specifications outlined here. Do I have to buy a new one?

This depends:

  1. If the laptop is close enough regarding specifications, and can handle daily tasks, then you do not necessarily have to buy a new laptop.
  2. If the laptop doesn't have sufficient processing power to deal with daily schoolwork, then you would need to purchase a new one.

Again, these outlined specifications allow us to ensure that your student has a device that can handle required classroom tasks/assignments.

Will middle school students bring their devices to school every day?

Yes. Students will be required to have a device at school each day. Guaranteeing that every student has access to technology in each class creates a consistency for teachers. They can plan on having guaranteed tools for each activity or lesson. This is particularly important as our teachers begin to embed 21st Century Skills into the content of their subjects.

How will you monitor student activity online with BYOD?

Oaks has invested in a Mobile Device Management system that will oversee the activity of any device that is utilizing the school network. In addition, most students will be required to organize and store information using the school provided Microsoft Office 365 accounts which are monitored by our I.T. department.

Do students need to regularly check for (and run) updates on their laptops?

Yes, this is very important. Updates fix potential security issues and enhance the performance of the device.

What happens if the device is damaged or needs repair?

While BYOD devices are required daily, the greatest advantage is that they are student owned. However, students are responsible for any repair needs. This includes any damage from accidents, abuse, or neglect. The OC Technology Team does NOT provide device repair, though they may from time to time provide technical assistance or trouble shooting.

Does my student need another device if their computer is being repaired?

Yes. Laptops will be available selectively through the library. All other extenuating circumstances needing a loaner must be approved by the librarian. Each student is allowed a total of 20 checkouts per year. Parents should communicate with Amber Nungester ( ) our MS Librarian, as to the status of a repaired device.

Should I get insurance for devices in case of loss, theft, or damages?

It depends. If you have a higher value device (Macbook, etc.), we highly recommend insurance. Cost effective devices may not necessitate insurance policies. We also recommend checking with your vendor at the time of purchase.

How do I supervise for intended use?

As technology is used more and more in the classroom, you’ll see more and more of a need for technology at home. We strongly suggest setting up parameters regarding technology use BEFORE the school year begins. Devices should always be used in an open setting in the house and never alone with the child in their room. We also strongly suggest turning off all social media on smartphones while doing homework. The school can easily monitor any activity on school accounts. Getting access to your child’s Microsoft, AXIS, and other various accounts is a great way to build positive accountability online. Writing a family contract that includes when, where, and how computers can be used at home will help create healthy use of technology. Remember, neglecting to talk about tech usually means it will default to poor habits of use.

Can I access my child’s work online?

Learning to use AXIS at the beginning of the school year is your best way to view your child’s academic work and grades. This helps us partner with you by informing you of upcoming assignments, due dates, grades, etc. We encourage all new parents to attend the various AXIS training events at the start of the school year. For additional help, please contact Tammy Kuku (

How can my child charge their laptop at school?

Students should charge their devices each night so as not to need charging during the day. That said, we do have secured charging stations located in each pod. Students may be allowed to plug in to outlets in the classroom, but they must have teacher approval as multiple cords can cause safety hazards with walking space.

How should students store data?

More and more, students need to move away from storage on the hard drive space on the local computer and begin to store their data in their Microsoft OneDrive (within their cloud-based Microsoft Office 365 account). This way, no information is lost should something happen to the device. All 6th grade students will be required to take an Academic Technology class that teaches them to utilize the full functions of Microsoft Office 365.

What is CPU and RAM? Can you give an explanation?

Processor (CPU)

The processor basically controls all the functions of a computer, much like a human brain controls all the functions of the body. Most laptops have processors made by Intel, AMD, or Apple (M1 and M2 chip). The processor can have multiple cores. More cores equates to more power.

Quad core processor (four cores)
We are requiring at least a quad core processor (four cores). Most of the latest Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors have four or more cores.
Clock Speed 2 GHz
A computer’s processor clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). The higher the speed, the faster the computer will be able to complete tasks. We are requiring at least 2GHz.


RAM (random access memory) refers to memory in your computer that operates much like a human’s short term memory. The higher the RAM, the larger the “digital countertop” you have to work on, and the faster your programs will run. We are strongly recommending at least 16 GB of RAM.

📜 Digital Citizenship Agreement

Oaks Christian School believes that the Internet and digital devices offer vast, diverse, and unique resources to students, parents, faculty and staff. However, use of these technologies is a privilege that must be used in an effective and ethical manner. Therefore, the use of the computers, Internet, and all other telecommunications technologies at OCS shall be in support of education and research and shall be consistent with other school policies. Our goal is to promote educational excellence by facilitating innovation, communication, and collaboration. In order to meet our goal, users are expected to abide by and model the accepted Digital Citizenship Agreement, which includes but is not limited to:

  1. RESPECT Yourself. I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate. I will consider the information and images that I post online. I will consider what personal information about my life, experiences, experimentation, or relationships I post. I realize that I am accountable for what I post online that might circulate in the Oaks community.
  2. RESPECT Others. I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to bully or stalk other people. I will be polite. I will use appropriate language for all communications and will avoid jokes or statements that might offend. I will show respect for other people and myself in my choice of websites. I will not visit sites that are degrading to others, pornographic, racist, or inappropriate. I will not abuse my rights of access, and I will not enter other people's private spaces or areas. I realize that violating these terms could jeopardize and even lead to the termination of my enrollment.
  3. RESPECT for Property. I will respect the property of others including school IT property such as networks, hardware, software, or other user’s files and data. This includes, but is not limited to, the creation, uploading, or downloading of computer viruses or other malicious software.
  4. RESPECT Intellectual Property. I will request permission to use resources. I will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, and other media. I will only use software and media others produce with their permission. I will use free and open source alternatives rather than pirating software. I will purchase, license and register all software. I will purchase my music and media and refrain from distributing these in a manner that violates their licenses. I will act with integrity.
  5. PROTECT Yourself. I will ensure that the information, images, and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details, or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me. I will protect passwords, accounts, and resources.
  6. PROTECT Others. I will protect others by reporting abuse and by not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications.

Failure to abide by the Digital Citizenship Agreement may result in one or more of the following:

  • Disciplinary action by the Dean of Student Life and/or the Principal, including and up to termination of enrollment.
  • The notification to the appropriate legal authorities for prosecution, if required.
  • Responsibility for damages to all IT equipment, networks, and hardware or software systems resulting from deliberate or willful acts of vandalism.

NOTE: Oaks Christian School has full access to all systems for monitoring purposes.

This document was adapted from the Digital Citizenship AUA located at

and is licensed by Oaks Christian School under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit