
Emergency Events

Back to Student Handbook — Grades 4-8Student Handbook — Grades 4-8

In the event of an emergency on campus, we have comprehensive and thorough procedures that our staff and students are trained in order to respond to any type of disaster. If an emergency (such as earthquake, lockdown, or fire, etc.) were to occur while students are on campus, we have procedures in place for parents to pick up their children. Both the Middle School and High School evacuation areas are equipped with a parent check out station. The check-out station for grades 4-8 is located at the gate nearest the middle school Huffman Field (baseball field). For safety and accountability reasons all parents must check their children out through this station. Information and updates about any on-campus incidents will be sent to parents through the Bright Arrow notification system.

If an emergency situation extends for a significant time, both campuses are also equipped with several days’ worth of emergency supplies, including food, water, shelter, and first aid supplies.

Disaster Drills

Oaks Christian School’s disaster drill procedure is as follows:

  • Fire drills are held during the school year as mandated by the State of California. Instructions and directions for leaving each room and the building will be given during orientation at the beginning of each school year.
  • Directions will also be posted in each room. Students are to recognize the seriousness of such a drill and refrain from improper behavior. Students will report to their Advisory teacher for “head count” purposes.
  • Earthquake drills may also be held during the school year following guidelines suggested by the State of California.
  • Other drills, such as lock down and evacuation drills may also be held, according to the direction of the administration. The location of the evacuation center in the event of a critical incident during school hours is located at Huffman Field at Gate F.