
Culture Playbook

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Honor Code

Oaks Christian students are proud to be members of this community. They take pride in the reputation of our faculty; they take pride in our unparalleled programs and services; and they take pride in our beautiful campus. Pride is at the very heart of what it means to be a Lion. Oaks students are committed to the values of ownership, respect, and growth. Lions conduct themselves with integrity and understand that the quality of their educational experience is predicated on their willingness to reflect and grow. Lions hold themselves accountable for the commitments they make and for their conduct. When faced with adversity, Lions engage in thoughtful reflection and exhibit superior ethical decision-making skills. They respect the rights and dignity of all members of our community by considering others and taking responsibility for their actions. Being a member of Oaks Christian School is a privilege that is not guaranteed. Oaks Christian students are expected to embrace these values at ALL TIMES, both inside of school and as members of the greater community. These are the values of a TRUE LION.


Oaks Christian Culture Playbook

The Oaks Christian Middle School administration and teachers strive to weave a culture of care into every aspect of the school day. Our Culture Playbook details what we value, the outcomes we desire, and the behaviors that must be exhibited by the entire community to reach the outcomes we strive to obtain.

The R Factor

Oaks Christian Middle School acknowledges that no person is perfect and realizes that learning from mistakes leads to personal growth. Therefore, the school has adopted The R Factor, using the equation E + R = O, as a guiding source to help our community consider the choices we make and how those choices impact the outcomes in our lives. Learning to own your RESPONSE to any situation is a life skill that we are helping our students build on a daily basis.

E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) teaches us that:
  • We do not control events or outcomes in our lives, only our response.
  • We can influence and produce outcomes by the way we respond.
  • Our response becomes an event to others around us.
  • If you don’t like the outcome, change your response.

No B.C.D.: Take Ownership of Your Response

  • No Blaming
  • No Complaining
  • No Defensiveness

Blaming outcomes on others does not lead to personal growth. When students learn to take ownership of their response, they are developing a disciplined mindset that allows them to choose their responses to events with intentionality.

Our Responses Reflect Our Mindset

  • Impulse-Driven Response (Fixed Mindset)
  • Impulsive, On-Auto Pilot, Resistant, BCD
  • Discipline-Driven Response (Growth-Mindset)
  • Intentional, On-Purpose, Skillful, Reflective; Choosing RESPONSES that lead to favorable outcomes.

The faculty of Oaks Christian Middle School strives to create a culture that helps the students to develop a disciplined mindset over an impulsive one. We recognize that between an event and our response, there is a space. It is in this space where we have the freedom to choose and own our response. It is in this space we ask our students to consider the 3 disciplines of the R Factor.

Disciplines of the R Factor

  1. Press Pause
  2. Take Ownership
  3. Make the Change

By being mindful of these steps, students learn to choose responses that lead to positive outcomes.

Own Your Own 20 Square Feet

If everyone in the Oaks Christian Middle School community owns their own 20 square feet or makes sure they do everything they can within their sphere of influence to contribute to a culture of care, then it will be reflected positively in our campus community